Welcome to The Spiritual Renaissance.
This is a place to connect with deep spiritual knowledge and practical wisdom to help advance your life and world.
We created this space for people who are called to make great change and live boldly.
Welcome to The Spiritual Renaissance.
This is a place to connect with deep spiritual knowledge and practical wisdom to help advance your life and world.
We created this space for people who are called to make great change and live boldly.
For too long, humanity has been plagued by conflict, greed and disconnection. But change is possible. The Spiritual Renaissance has arrived.
Through our courses, programs, and community, you will reclaim your power and strength and have a better understanding of your place in the world.
It’s time to overcome limitations, share your one-of-a-kind gifts, and thrive authentically—guided not by fear but by the wisdom within.
The information we share with you comes direct from the Spiritual World via world class Deep Trance Mediums Ian and Pearl Rogers and their council of entities.
This straight-from-the-source knowledge and resources provide the expanded knowledge you need to make real change.
With an expanded perspective, you can boldly walk your path.
Fear and limitation give way to strength and transformation. Guiding you through the site and our resources is spiritual medium Karla.
to understand how to live a spiritual life, a purposeful life, we first need to understand the spiritual world
The Spiritual World is a place of
higher existence than earth with more advanced learning and knowledge
than what is available on earth.
The Spiritual World has more advanced learning and knowledge that what is available on earth. It's a university of deep knowledge to guide us forward.
The Spiritual World is a place
of unconditional love and
living a life on earth is meant
to replicate this.
Imagine how your world will be when we access and act on this knowledge. Suddenly the future has meaning. The world united, with each of having a part to play.
This is YOUR
bridge to direct
knowledge from
the spirit world
This is a place to
help you renew
your relationship
with yourself.
When you know
who you truly are,
you know what you
are meant to share.
Unleash your spirit,
reclaim your power.
Recognise who you
really are, BRAVE
Start living fearlessly embracing the spirit of you with our most requested and empowering guided meditations
Renew your relationship with yourself. Be Brave. Be You.
Start living fearlessly embracing the spirit of you with our most requested and empowering guided meditations
Renew your relationship with yourself. Be Brave. Be You.
This 5 day event is crucial for anyone seeking a fulfilled, happy and loving life.
The Mastering Change Conference, brought to you by esteemed Sphinx Spiritual for The Spiritual
Renaissance is a transformative event dedicated to helping individuals understand and navigate the
complexities of change in their lives. It offers a rare chance to gain profound insights and teachings
directly from the spiritual world.
A rare opportunity to work with international spiritual teachers, Ian and Pearl Rogers.
For weekly updates direct from spirit to help you live a more spiritual life.